How I'm doing...


October- Month 1

Let's get started!  I have so far to go, but every journey starts with the first step.

FOOD: My food plan consists of reducing how many calories I'm taking in, and working on increasing the number that I'm burning off.  For this month, I am focusing more on what I'm taking in.

Here's the plan:
BREAKFAST: 300 calories
LUNCH: 400 calories
SNACK: 150 calories
DINNER: 500 calories
SNACK: 150 calories

All that gives me a grand total of 1500 calories for the day.  That is A LOT less than I have been eating!

EXERCISE: As I said above, I'm focusing more on the intake of calories, but I'm not going to be completely sedentary either.  I am limiting my computer and TV watching time and making a point to be more active with my kids.  I WILL add structured workouts to my daily routine, but I can only take one step at a time.

SPIRITUAL:  I am re-evaluating.  I need growth in this area.  I am reading a book recently given to me, "The Uncommon Woman" by Susie Larson.  I'm praying the Lord will give me some direction.

My Plan

I have a plan for accomplishing the goal of losing 50 pounds... in 365 days!

There are three area that I'm revamping...
1. What I'm eating.
2. What I'm doing.
3. What I'm reading and watching.

All of these have separate goals, but all of them must work hand-in-hand to make my weight-loss a success.


Before Pics... Taken over the last 12 months

End of August 2010

July 2010

May 2010

Christmas 2009

My Mission, Should I Choose To Except it...

     Ok, here's the deal.  I'm overweight, and I know it.  I've known it for a while actually.  I've watched my mother battle with weight my entire life, and I had a feeling that I would be the same way.  I was pretty active in high school, so I didn't start my struggles until I had three kids and found that nothing 'easy' was going to work anymore.  That was two years ago.  
     In these two years, I have gone from a reasonable size 14 jean to a tight and uncomfortable size 20.  I'm depressed and sore and tired and...  
     Rather than deal with it and fixing the problem, I coped by lazing around and eating/drinking whatever I wanted.  Mountain Dew is my closest compadre.  
     I would try a fad diet every now and then and be really good for a few weeks, but then I'd fall right back off the wagon, gaining more weight and be even more depressed then before.  Yes, I was given antidepressants to help with the mood, but they just added to the weight, which created more depression... and a crazy cycle was formed.

Then I got a phone call.  My brother is getting married!  Next September!  On my 31st birthday!  In FLORIDA!!  (Insert groan here...)

HOW AM I GOING TO LOOK CUTE IN WEDDING PICTURES?!?!?  Never mind that they will be on the beach. In Florida.

So, here is my mission:

I am going to do WHATEVER it takes (healthy and doctor-approved, of course) to lose 50 pounds in 365 days.  It will involve a LOT of exercise and a total change in eating/drinking habits.  But I know I can do it.  Darn it, I HAVE TO DO IT.  

So here goes... everything.  Wish me luck!

Need to contact me?  
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