How I'm doing...


Not as bad as I thought!

So after a crazy weekend, I decided to weigh myself again... I lost 8 pounds!  While I was shocked to have gained the 3 pounds, I believed it could happen since a never-ending-shrimp run to Red Lobster preceded that weigh-in.  Luckily a lot of water flushed some of the salt out, and I'm back on track.  192 and counting...

Wait!  I just realized 192 mark 20 POUNDS LOST!!  I'm doing a little happy dance :)


Weekly Weigh-In... A Bummer!

I'm bummed.  I've gained back the 3 pounds I had lost last week.  I'm now an even 200 pounds.  :(

Tomorrow, I won't give up.  I will get back up, eating 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch and 500 for dinner.  I may even add some Tae Bo in there... just in case. :)


Fun find!

Ok, so I've lived in Canton for 2 years now and have only today found this place.  

Ever heard of it?  It is essentially a Jamba Juice by a different name.  

I think I'm in LOVE.  


Weekly Weigh In

Woohoo!  I've lost 3 more pounds!

I'm still tweaking the diet thing so I am filling up.  Rather than just consuming the right number of calories in a day (which works), I want to consume the right number of the RIGHT calories (which will be better).

My goals for this week:

- Drink more water.  At least 3 bottles a day.  (I hate water so this is a real challenge for me.)

- Add in exercise.  I'm aiming for 30-45 minutes 3 days a week.  I want at least one of them to be running/walking a mile outside.  The days are getting colder and shorter, so I want to get out and do this while I can.

- Have a daily meeting with God.  I want to MAKE time to be still and hear God, not just talk at God.


NINE Pounds!

Woot!  I have been really diligent this week and it is really paying off!  I have lost 9 pounds and my pants are noticing.

I have been pretty busy this week, but that's stopped the snacking and mindless eating.  It's also kept me from spending too much time being sedentary in front of the TV and computer.

So that being said, I'm going to get off the computer and go do something!!